
Ik ben geboren in Hong Kong. Na mijn afstuderen aan the Chinese University of Hong Kong 1975, vestigde ik mij vanaf 1979 in Nederland. Ik werkte van 1980 tot 1990 als beëdigd tolk en vertaler. Van 1990 tot 2004 was ik eindredacteur van het Chinese programma van de NPS Radio. Vanaf 2004 zet ik mijn werk voort in de beeldende kunst: Ondertussen heb ik een korte periode gestudeerd aan de Amsterdamse Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten. Chinese kalligrafie praktiseer ik al van jongs af aan.
Loi Che Chan was born in Hong Kong. After graduating from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she immigrated to The Netherlands in 1979. She first worked as a registered interpreter and then chief-editor of the Netherlands Program Broadcasting (NPS) Chinese Section. Since 2004 she continues her work in visual arts, she studied for a short period at the Amsterdam Art School. She has been practicing Chinese calligraphy from an early age. Since 2007, she exhibited regularly between Hong Kong and the Netherlands. Starting from 2013, her installation "Endless Rhythm"; 1000 meter Chinese calligraphy has been exhibited in Photography Museum FOAM Amsterdam, Museum Hilversum, NDSM Artists City Amsterdam, Town Hall Hilversum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the Dutch Days in Hong Kong 2016, and CBK Amsterdam 2018. De Nieuwe Liefde Amsterdam and the First Edition Art Manifestation Gorinchem 2019. With this work, she had initiated and curated three Cultural Exchange projects between Hong Kong, the Netherlands and China.
陳耐持出生香港,七五年中大畢業後定居荷蘭,曾任中荷文翻譯員,國家電台中文部節目總監,十四年前全職投身視覺藝術,近年作品以音樂書法為主,展覽巨型音樂狂草裝置,現場表演音樂狂草書法,並和本土藝術家,一起表演中西書法及舞蹈行為藝術。作品曾在阿姆斯特丹NDSM Art City, Hilversum Museum, Amsterdam Foam Museum, City Hall Hilversum, 為荷蘭日於香港中文大學展出及表演, 及Gorinchem市2019藝術節參展。以千米狂草裝置「無盡的節奏」帶動,在2017-2018期間,在荷蘭策劃了三個荷蘭,香港及中國文化交流展。